Prepared Speech & Radio PSA Contest, March 24 Deadline

Prepared Speech and Radio PSA Contest
Prepared Speech and Radio PSA Contest

The 4‑H Prepared Speech and Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contests provide 4-H’ers the opportunity to learn to express themselves clearly, organize their ideas and have confidence. The Lancaster County 4‑H contests are open to all 4‑H’ers ages 5–18 (by January 1 of the current year). Youth may choose to participate in either one or both contests.

The Prepared Speech Contest will be held on Sunday, March 30 at the Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County conference rooms, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A, Lincoln. Contest begins at 1:30 p.m., with scheduled speech times to be assigned. Youth may write and prepare a speech on any topic related to their 4‑H experience. The use of visual aids and props is not allowed. Note cards can be used as a reference, but should not be used to read your speech. Length depends on age division (by Jan. 1 of the current year)
• Clover Kids division (ages 5–7): Anything! They could recite or read a favorite nursery rhyme, short story, the 4‑H pledge, etc.
• Junior division (ages 8–10): 2–3 minutes in length
• Intermediate division (ages 11–13): 3–5 minutes in length.
• Senior division (ages 14–18): 5–8 minutes in length.

In the Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contest, 4‑H’ers submit a 60-second “radio commercial” promoting 4‑H. Submit a PSA as a .wav, .mp3 or .m4a file online by Monday, March 24. The 2025 theme is “Ready through 4-H…and beyond!” and should be incorporated in the PSA. All 4‑H PSA's must include the following tagline within the last ten seconds of the PSA: "Learn more about Nebraska Extension 4‑H Youth Development Program at" The tagline is included in the 60‑second time limit. If you do not have the capabilities to record a PSA, contact Vicki Jedlicka at 402-441-7180 to set up a recording time at the Extension office.

Register for the contests by Monday, March 24. For rules, examples, resources and registration link, go to If you have questions, contact Kate Pulec at or 402-441-7180.