Kiwanis Karnival is a Fun Community Service Opportunity for 4-H Clubs; April 11

Volunteers at the last Kiwanis Karnival
Volunteers at the last Kiwanis Karnival

Families of 4‑H members and Elliott Elementary School students are invited to attend the annual Kiwanis Karnival, a FREE family event sponsored by the Lincoln Center Kiwanis. 4‑H clubs are needed to provide carnival‑type booths. This is a great community service and leadership activity!

The Karnival will be Friday, April 11, 5:30–7:30 p.m. at Elliott Elementary School, 225 S. 25th St., Lincoln. The event features carnival‑type games for youth, bingo for adults, prizes, snacks, fun and fellowship. For more information, call Lorene Bartos at 402-423-7541 or 402-310-3481, or email