4-H Member Online Enrollment Deadline June 15

Nebraska 4-H is using a new 4-H online enrollment system, called “4-H Online.”
Nebraska 4-H is using a new 4-H online enrollment system, called “4-H Online.”

Nebraska 4-H has introduced a new online enrollment system, called “4-H Online.” Paper enrollment is no longer an option. Members must be enrolled by June 15. The website to enroll is https://ne.4honline.com. The process is easy and only takes a few minutes per member. The health information is OPTIONAL!

NOTE: only parents/guardians may enroll 4-H members. Each 4-H household will need to set up a profile in which the 4-H youth for the household will be added.

A step-by-step instruction guide with pictures is online at
http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/StepstoEnroll.pdf. If you have questions about the process or need access to a computer, call Karen Evasco at 402-441-7180.