Youth Safety

Are you planning a club activity, tour or outing? If so, remember the 4-H focus is to keep youth as safe as possible. As a leader, there are many things to think about before taking your club out and about for educational opportunities. Here are some questions to ask yourself regarding your decisions and the situations you may find yourself in as a club leader.

1. What are the physical risks involved in this activity/decision?
2. Are there any foreseeable risks? What dangers can be avoided?
3. Who is the activity for, the youth or me?
4. How will youth benefit from this activity and how is it related to the purpose of the activity?
5. Do I have a CPR and First Aid plan in effect in case of an emergency?
6. What would I do if the youth or their parents were watching?
7. What would I do if the Extension Educator or Assistant was watching?
8. Could my actions/decisions cost me my job?