Today, an email from will be sent that contains a link to a toolBox that will supply everything you need to encourage census participation in your counties. This email will also give you the necessary details to get your counties signed up for the drive. According to the University of Nebraska, our state loses out on $20,960 for each person missing from the census over the ten year span. Education ranks highly on the list of services funded by these dollars which makes this important to our youth and those of us who advocate for our youth.
If you are interested in how you can become involved, stay tuned. We hope that you find our resources easy to implement. In the mean time, feel free to share these attached resources on your social media to get your counties thinking. Our toolBox will have similar resources and even more.
DRCC_05_22_20_ Update Leave 1080p.jpg (
2020 Census Infogram English 5.26.20.pdf (
Questions? Contact Jen Epp at