As we head into the busy summer months of programming, this is a reminder that the process to get ShoWorks questions answered is as follows.
Contact Katie Pleskac with questions/problems – Katie will answer your question but if it is something beyond her knowledge, she will reach out to ShoWorks and get back to you with the solution.
If Katie is not available due to county programming commitments, please contact an office next to you or one of the following people :
-Steph Horak, York County – 402-362-5508
-Shelly Altena, Garden County – 308-772-3311
- Jean Stichka, Nuckolls County – 402-225-2381
If the problem is something beyond their knowledge/experience, Katie will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please do not reach out to ShoWorks directly, they will ask that you follow this procedure. It is not that they do not want to help, this service agreement is in place because of our contracted discount with ShoWorks.