4-H Judges Resources

County fairs will soon be starting around the state! Please be reminded of a couple of resources:

Resources Available to Judges:
We would like to take an opportunity to remind 4-H staff about the materials prepared to help judges provide a positive experience for 4-H’ers through the judging process. Please encourage the judges you have hired for your county fair(s) to visit http://4h.unl.edu/judges. There are several resources to help prepare themselves to make the judging experience part of the learning done through 4-H projects, as well as project area updates.

Encourage Judges to Register
In an effort to have a more streamlined process in county fair judge hiring process for both counties and judges alike, an online judges registration process has been implemented. This is for static, animal/livestock projects as well 4-H contests. Please visit http://4h.unl.edu/judges to register as a judge by September 30, 2019, in order to be on the list for hiring judges for the 2020 fair season. This includes all static and animal judges.

Those wishing to register need to be prepared to include contact information, areas you are comfortable judging and how far you are willing to travel for judging opportunities. This will be a great way to express your judging interest to multiple counties at one time, as well as allowing the county 4-H staff a current and more complete list of possible judges.

There is a letter and a postcard prepared (https://4h.unl.edu/employee/county-fair ) to use when communicating with judges.

How 4-H Staff Can Implement these Resources:
- Encourage judges hired for your fair(s) to visit these resources to prepare for judging day.
- Use the letter and/or postcard in pre-fair communication or include in judging day materials.
- Encourage judges to register by September 30th, so this information is available to all of us for hiring 2020 fair judges in the winter months. This includes all static and animal judges.
- Still hiring judges? Have someone back out? Make sure to check the list of registered judges for options! https://unl.app.box.com/s/kpj33dmzb01qinodm4wxy3q80cpbn6p6

Please direct any questions to Jill Goedeken, Ann Dobesh and Elena Merrick.

More details at: http://4h.unl.edu/judges