Flat Water States Undergraduate Communication Conference

Flat Water States Undergraduate Communication Conference
Flat Water States Undergraduate Communication Conference

We are so excited to announce eight of our undergraduate students were chosen to present at the Flat Water States Undergraduate Communication Conference!

The Conference offers undergraduate students an opportunity to share their original research projects and provides a forum through which they can interact with some of the leading scholars in the discipline of communication. Being selected for this opportunity is a huge honor, and we are so excited that eight of our students were selected!

Congratulations to:
Corinne Lee
Kimberly Wells
Carter Dawson
Emilee Buol
Brooklyn Malchow
Brenna Micek
Aaron Housenga
Carson Wiltfong

Unfortunately, due to the current situation our nation is facing, the Conference has been cancelled. We are proud of these students nonetheless! #COMMHuskers

More details at: https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/COMMConnect/10593