I am always happy to meet and talk about why you would like to change your grading option and whether it is a good option for you. The link to my advising calendar is included in this article below. Here are some questions and guidelines to consider before we talk:
Why do you want to switch the course over? If you are struggling with coursework and/or exams consider attending your instructor's office hours to see if there is anything you could be doing differently. It also helps to go back and read your syllabus again. It may have tutoring or study resources included in it. Take some time to reflect on your own study and time management habits.
Are you taking the course to fulfill a requirement for your major or minor? If so, there are restrictions as to how many courses may be taken pass/no pass and many programs do not allow any. Make sure you know you know the rules before making a switch.
Have you checked the academic calendar? The last day to change a course to pass/no pass this fall is on October 2nd.
Please reach out if you'd like to discuss your courses this semester and if you are considering taking a course pass/no pass.
More details at: https://unl.starfishsolutions.com/starfish-ops/dl/instructor/serviceCatalog.html?bookmark=connection/1322540/schedule