Beginning October 19th you can add spring courses to your shopping cart in MyRed. You'll notice course delivery will be listed as: In-Person, Web Conferencing, and Online.
In-Person courses – will take place in a physical classroom or location where the instructor and students interact with each other on scheduled days and times. Every student will be in-person for at least one class per week. On days when students do not attend in person, they will engage with the course remotely or independently with materials provided by the instructor. Students will be expected to attend their in-person classes unless they have an approved accommodation, are in quarantine or isolation, or have an instructor-approved absence.
Web Conferencing courses – will use a web-based video conferencing platform like Zoom where the instructor and students can interact with each other on scheduled days and times with a real-time, remote classroom experience. These courses may be supplemented with other components, including independent learning modules or optional in-person opportunities, and provide flexibility for students who prefer to engage with real-time course content without being physically present in the classroom.
Online courses – will be delivered using different methodologies and tools than classroom courses. Instead of real-time, face-to-face interaction with an instructor, these courses are designed to allow students to move forward independently through learning modules without a traditional classroom experience and provide maximum flexibility for a student’s schedule. Course content is usually fully developed and available before the semester starts, and students follow specific deadlines for engagement and completion of assignments, exams, and projects.
If we haven't met yet to talk about spring semester courses please make an appointment with me in MyPlan now to do so.
More details at: https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/nextatnebraska/11684/68351