Interested in going to law school? Join University of Nebraska College of Law students for a pizza social on March 27th at 6:30 pm at UNL Law school. This social will be sponsored by Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Current law students will be available to answer any questions related to law school including: admissions process, the LSAT, life as a law student, homework/class load, giving a tour of the school, etc. To attend, fill out the form here by March 23rd. Reach out to Katherine Hoatson at with any questions.
COMM Connections Mon. Feb. 27, 2023
- Hello Communication Studies Students
- Academic Advising Appointments
- Drop-In Advising
- Spring 2023 Academic Calendar
- The Juan N. Franco Legacy Scholarship
- UNL International Welcome Team Hiring
- Peace Corps Week Booth
- Pre-Law Pizza Social
- Summer Internship Openings
- Exploring: Human Services, Nonprofit & Social Justice Pathways
- CAS Career Information