The Couple and Family Clinic
Phone: 402-472-5035
Hours: By appointment Monday-Saturday
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
35th Street & East Campus Loop
They see couples, families, and individuals. You need not have a relational problem to use this resource.
Counseling & School Psychology Clinic (CSPC)
Offering affordable, confidential counseling
for students and community members
Phone: 402-472-1152
Hours: Call to schedule appointments
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
49 Teachers College Hall
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
4 Free sessions included in UNL Student Fees
Phone: 402-472-7450
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm
University Health Center
Second Floor
Psychological Consultation Center (PCC)
Phone: 402-472-2351
Hours: M-Th 9:30 am- 9:00 pm & F 9:30 am- 5 pm
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
325 Burnett Hall
Women's Center Counseling
Open to all genders/sexes
Phone: 402-472-9428
Hours: M-Th 10 am - 6 pm & F 10 am - 5 pm
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
340 Nebraska Union