Communication Studies Alumni Perspective: Lauren Schaal

Lauren Schaal
Lauren Schaal

In 2016, we caught up with alumnus Lauren Schaal, who at the time was a third year law student at Boston College of Law, and who is currently a Family Law Attorney.

When were you a student at UNL?
2009-2013, I majored in Political Science and Communication Studies, with minors in Studio Art and Women and Gender Studies.

Why did you choose a major in Communication Studies?
I chose a major in Communication Studies because Dr. Aaron Duncan told me I had to. Just kidding— Comm Studies was a good major to help me understand the fundamentals of rhetoric for my future in litigation. My arguments in court are better for it.

We have a focus in our undergraduate curriculum to teach students about three capacities: Advocate, Negotiate, and Relate. How has your your Communication degree helped you with one ore more of these in your life or career?
My career is all about being a zealous advocate for the less fortunate, and that has a lot of negotiating attached to it. My communication degree has given me the specific skills necessary to relate to my clients, who are often in dire situations, and to be their voice in court. From learning about rhetoric to persuasive skills, almost every upper level comm class I took affects what I do in court.

What is your favorite memory of your time in Communication Studies?
Other than all my amazing memories with the UNL speech team, I would have to say my favorite memories are of Dr. Ron Lee —getting distracted from his lessons and spinning hilarious tales that often taught us more than the actual curriculum.

In what ways can our alumni support our department and students?
Never forget the department! As an alum, I am always looking to reach out to students interning or spending some time in the Northeast so they have a connection when they are away from home. I also actively try to stay involved with my AWESOME speech team to give career advice and to help out whenever I am around. Keeping these connections, and helping new students grow is what continues to make the UNL Communication Studies department great.

What advice do you have for current undergraduate students in our department?
Explore tons of career options. Comm Studies rocks because it gives you the fundamentals needed for so many jobs. Use that to your advantage and play around with different choices for your future while you are in college with internships, research, and classes. Doing this while you are in the department is awe- some because you have a wealth of information about tons of practice areas from the professors and other staff. You are never going to be pigeonholed!