On Friday, January 17, UNOPA will hold its third brown-bag session for this academic year. Laurie Sampson will be presenting "Setting Smart Goals". Laurie is the Learning/Development Coordinator for the Office of Research. Bring your lunch and come join us in room 152 Paul Research Center at Whittier School from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. Please register at https://research.unl.edu/events/event.php?eventID=4240 (by January 14) for the event so that we will have enough handouts for everyone.
UAAD News Wed. Jan. 08, 2020
- Charlotte Frank retirement
- UAAD seeks nominees for Donaldson, Oldt awards - Due Jan 17
- UNOPA Brown Bag: Setting Smart Goals, January 17
- UAAD/UNOPA joint meeting, January 24
- Request for Proposals, All-UNL Staff Conference (Due Jan 24)
- Souper Bowl Luncheon, January 31 (Registration Deadline: Jan 24)
- Valentine’s at Val’s, February 11
- Sign up for text messages!
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