The joint UAAD/UNOPA meeting will be January 24 as a brown bag at NET from 11:45AM-1PM. Dr. Marco Barker will present current and future diversity and inclusion initiatives at UNL.
The Community Outreach Committee will be collecting Collecting laundry supplies for the Husker Pantry. Continue reading…
Share knowledge, experience, and ideas and build your professional network by offering a content-rich session individually or as part of a team at the All UNL-Staff Conference, “Empowerment: Learning and Networking at Nebraska” - May 13, 2020. Submit your proposal by January 24, 2020. Continue reading…
More details at:
UAAD Connect committee (in partnership with UAAD Service and Outreach) is planning for a Souper Bowl Lunch on Friday, January 31, 11:30-1:30, at NET.
Deadline to register is: January 24, 11:59 p.m. Continue reading…
More details at:
Come share some UAAD love and join the UAAD Connect committee and other members for happy hour at Valentino’s Restaurant at 35th and Holdrege on Tuesday, February 11, 3:00-5:30. Continue reading…
Come celebrate 58 years of UAAD on February 19 from 11:45 – 1:00 in the Nebraska Union Regency Suite B/C.
Keynote speakers: Dr. Dennis Molfese and Dr. Dave Hansen.
Please RSVP at
Community Outreach committee will collect cereal for the Husker Pantry. Continue reading…
Winners will be announced at Founder's Day (February 19).
Text '@unluaad' to 81010 to sign up for text messages! We'll send you reminders about general membership meetings and important events during regular business hours. Continue reading…