UAAD News - Interest Inventory Form

N2025 Strategic Plan Aims
N2025 Strategic Plan Aims

Please Complete the Interest Inventory Form

In February 2020, Chancellor Green introduced a bold vision for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln over the next 25 years and laid out the N2025 Strategic Plan to make Nebraska distinctive by promoting the tenet that every person and every interaction matters.

One of the primary aims is Participation and Professional Development. This also happens to be part of the mission of UAAD. We are at a time of change and growth for our university and you can be an important part of establishing how that will look in the future.

Please volunteer for a leadership role in UAAD for the 2020-21 year by nominating yourself using our Interest Inventory form (you must login to use). If you have any questions about any of the roles, duties and time commitment involved, please reach out to any current board member or email me to schedule a time to talk and I’d be happy to answer your questions.

You can help shape the future of UAAD and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

More details at:
Originally published April 22, 2020 - Submit an Item