The focus of our April meeting has shifted to the “State of UAAD Today” with an open discussion on UAAD’s future. We are asking for you to provide feedback to help us structure our organization for the future. If you have ideas on what UAAD should look like in 2021-22 and beyond, please attend this very important meeting.
Currently, there are not enough people who have nominated themselves or been nominated by others for leadership positions within the organization. Membership is down and so is attendance at events. We would like to explore whether the needs UAAD was established to meet – a communication channel between managerial/professional staff and the administration, professional development opportunities, and networking - are being met elsewhere, or if there is a disconnect between how UAAD is attempting to provide these services and the ways managerial/professional staff would like the services to be delivered. We hope to explore important questions to determine UAAD’s future: Is UAAD still necessary and helpful? How is UAAD meeting and not meeting your needs?
Learn & Grow with Nebraska Bridge, April 15, noon - 1 p.m.
Presenter: Ranelle Maltas
UAAD and UNOPA invite you to learn about Nebraska Bridge. This new learning platform provides on-demand, accessible opportunities for NU employees to sharpen their professional skills. UNL-focused courses feature topics in Business and Finance, IT & Security, Sponsored Programs, Search Seminars, Microsoft Excel and Teams, Benefits, and Pre-Retirement. The site also offers courses on Diversity and Equity, Conflict Management, Presentations Skills, Management Basics, Goal-Setting, Wellness, and much more. Some offerings are self-paced, some are live, and many provide a certificate of completion. New materials are added all the time. Join us to cross the Bridge to learning and growth! Presented by Ranelle Maltas, Technology Training Services Associate, Human Resources.
The next UAAD Article Club will be on Friday, February 19 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Please send an email to Marnie Nelson at if you are interested.
Help us preserve history by sharing your story of what life was like over the past year.
Archives Create COVID-19 Collection, Share Your Story
Archives & Special Collections preserves and shares the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's history and they need the Nebraska community’s help to build a new digital archive about the COVID-19 pandemic. The Archives is asking for your stories, social media posts, photographs, and more. The COVID-19 Digital Archive will document the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath on individuals in the University's community of students, employees, and alumni.
Firsthand accounts of lived experiences become primary sources crucial for understanding our history. By collecting stories from a range of viewpoints, Archives & Special Collections aims to provide a more complete picture of the University of Nebraska and, for this project, the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on our community.
You can share what you experience or serve as a witness sharing your observations of the past year. We have also provided some questions for reflection to help you describe your experiences. It is easy to donate and upload your digital materials. Archives staff will review everything donated before it is made available to the public.
From NAEOP (Nebraska Educational Office Professionals Association):
NEOPA has put together a great slate of speakers for our virtual conference on April 23 and 24, 2021. All but one session is live. All sessions will be recorded. Once you register, you may view the sessions until May 31 as your schedule allows. Can't get away from work on Friday afternoon? Other commitments on Saturday morning? No problem, you can view the hour-long sessions at your leisure. We challenge you to put together an outstanding group of speakers like this for such a reasonable fee - only $30 if you are a NEOPA/NAEOP member. Register here:
Our keynote speaker, Carmen Schwab, opens and closes the virtual conference talking with us about being a leader worth following. A leader does not always have to be the one in front of the group. What do you think makes a leader worth following?
Did you attend the NAEOP 2020 annual virtual conference? Laurie Sampson from UNL had a great session on the Power of Positivity. At NEOPA's conference, she has developed a new session regarding tips on dealing with authenticity. How are you an authentic, genuine person?
We are excited to hear three of our NAEOP elected officers, Immediate Past President Jill Averyhart, current President Elect Paula Rosenberger, and Vice President Bonnie Miller. Hear from proven leaders as they share various aspects of leadership, from self-care, meeting and beating challenges, and help your team to work together better.
Registration deadline is April 16, 2021. Please submit your payment via check or PayPal as soon as possible but it should be received no later than April 21, 2021. Contact Cathy Robertson, or 402-420-1296 with any questions.