Proposed Bylaw Change
Background Information:
Currently, UAAD has 164 members. Approximately 10% (16 members) of our membership fall into the Affiliate or Associate membership category. This proposed bylaw amendment will not change the focus or intended audience for UAAD. Regular members still must have a managerial/professional appointment or responsibilities. This bylaw amendment maintains membership categories but makes membership more equitable (i.e. paying member = voting member.) The University Health Center employees have been affected by the transition from UNL to UNMC. Those UAAD members who were Regular switched to Affiliate due to the change. Some have been and remain very active in UAAD and no longer have a vote.
The UAAD Executive Board put forward a proposed bylaw amendment to the general UAAD membership in February to be voted on during the March 16, 2016 UAAD monthly membership meeting. The proposed bylaw revision is to Article III: Membership, Section 1: Membership Categories. The proposal is to strike the language “are non-voting and” from the Affiliate and Associate membership descriptions, so Affiliate and Associate members will become full voting UAAD members effective immediately.
On March 16, 2016, UAAD Regular* members will be asked to vote on the following proposed bylaw amendment:
Section 1. Membership Categories
Employees of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who have managerial/professional responsibilities. Regular members will have all privileges associated with UAAD membership.
Non-UNL employees who are affiliated with NU or UNL and have a close association with the university. Examples of Affiliate members are those employed by the Alumni Association, Credit Union, Crop Improvement, or University Foundation and (for purposes of UAAD membership) employees of UNMC, UNO, UNK, or NU Central Administration. Individuals in this category, who are members of UAAD as of March 1997, will retain their status as Regular UAAD members. Affiliate members are non-voting and can be appointed to standing and special committees but not the executive board. Regular membership dues apply.
UNL employees who do not fit the definition of a regular UAAD member. Examples of Associate members are those with academic/administrative or office-service appointments. Individuals in this category, who are members of UAAD as of March 1997, will retain their status as Regular UAAD members. Associate members are non-voting and can be appointed to standing and special committees, but not to the executive board. Regular membership dues apply.
The UAAD Bylaws can be accessed at
Please attend the March 16 UAAD monthly membership meeting to cast your vote.
*Please note: You must be present at the March 16, 2016 UAAD Monthly Meeting to vote. The March 16 UAAD monthly membership meeting will take place at City Union, Heritage room. The meeting will be from 11:45-1:00. UAAD Regular Members will be allowed to vote. UAAD Affiliate, Associate and Retired members will not be allowed to vote per the UAAD Bylaws. If you have questions regarding your membership status or type, please contact
Sample Ballot
The proposed bylaw revision is to Article III: Membership, Section 1: Membership Categories. The proposal is to strike the language “are non-voting and” from the Affiliate and Associate membership descriptions, so Affiliate and Associate members will become full voting UAAD members effective immediately.
I am in favor of amending the UAAD Bylaws to allow Associate and Affiliate UAAD members to voting members effective immediately.
I am not in favor of amending the UAAD Bylaws.