Programs and activities are well underway for the academic year and it has been a great start! If you recently joined as a new member-Welcome! If you are currently a member and have not renewed, you only have a few more days to go to ensure you continue to receive notices about programs planned thus far and those to be scheduled. Contact Lori Bennett Baumli at to renew.
Professional development is kicking off with Paul Wesselmann’s “Fresh & Fierce” workshop in October and our regular fall workshop “Building on a Foundation of Strength” will be held in November. Our monthly meetings will enlighten us on a variety of programs, research and facilities across UNL. We will tour some and have speakers coming to us for others. UAAD Connect has recruited ambassadors who will be assigned to new members and sponsor a mid-semester event for all members. Community Outreach is beginning the year with a month-long drive to collect needed items for Capital Humane Society. As an association, we have already been requested to provide a recommendation to UNL Police for the phasing out of emergency blue lights on campus. President Bounds hosted a breakfast for all staff and faculty senate presidents from all four campuses and follow-up meetings will be discussed. Information will be gathered at a “No smoking policy summit” in October and conversations will follow to include consideration of UNL’s commitment to developing policy on this issue. And it’s only the end of September!
Announcements with registration information for all of our programs and workshops are posted on the website, social media and in our newsletter. In addition, our members are routinely invited to workshops and professional development sessions sponsored by community and UNL organizations and these are also announced through the same channels of communication. I look forward to seeing all you renew your memberships, encourage others to join, and most of all; to participate in as many of our UAAD programs as you are able to this year!
More about UAAD at