October 14 “Fresh & Fierce” - Paul Wesselmann, The Ripples Guy Returns

Ripples Car
Ripples Car

A unique opportunity for UAAD members, as well as the university community is Paul Wesselmann’s return visit to Lincoln. Don’t miss this exciting, engaging professional development opportunity.
Paul Wesselmann, The Ripples Guy Returns!
“Fresh & Fierce”
October 14; 12-2pm

Nebraska Innovation Campus-Banquet Hall
No cost to attend this event. Parking will be available, also at no cost. Participants are to park in the designated space for the Conference Center regardless of UNL parking permit

(Lunch will NOT be provided and we are NOT allowed to bring food into the facility so grab lunch before or after the session)

“Fresh & Fierce”: Unleashing Your Best Self in Work & Life with Paul Wesselmann
We have invited our longtime buddy to share some of his latest research and strategies around maximizing effectiveness. He spent several months reviewing the considerable research that has centralized around a handful of simple, specific, and significant actions we can take to more consistently bring our best selves to our daily lives. This fast-paced session will explore the current thinking around optimal living and provide practical tools you can use immediately to create sustainable improvements in your personal *and* professional effectiveness.

Paul Wesselmann's previous UAAD sessions have always been a hit, and you will want to miss his captivating stories, engaging style and substantive content. Paul holds degrees in psychology and higher education, and worked on several campuses as he developed a passion for leadership training. Over the last two decades, he has spoken on almost 200 campuses and keynoted dozens of student leadership and professional development events. Over 30,000 people subscribe to his weekly email newsletter, Ripples, and thousands more follow his upbeat and informative social media posts. You can learn more about his work at http://UnleashRipples.com or follow @RipplesGuy on most social media.

Parking and event location information: http://i.imgur.com/y32j7nW.jpg

Register at http://go.unl.edu/nkyd