UAAD Member Survey


UAAD Member Survey
The UAAD Board is interested in knowing your thoughts about our organization and with Chancellor Green spending an hour with us on Feb 8th, we wanted this information to share with him at that time. By completing the survey by Dec 23rd, you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas while checking one more pre-holiday thing off your “to do list”. We have not surveyed our members for several years and your responses will provide us a “springboard” in reviewing where we are and where we need to go as an organization representing managerial/professional staff at UNL. This is a time of new leadership with President Bounds and Chancellor Green and the Board members believe that with both having demonstrated an inclusive and engaging response to UAAD, we need to be able to present the thoughts of our organization in a thoughtful dialogue with the Chancellor.
We hope that you take time to answer the questions in the attached survey. Please have it completed no later than Friday, Dec 23rd and know that your thoughts matter.

The Board will review the responses in January and have a summary ready prior to February’s hour with the Chancellor. Please save the date of Feb 8, 2017 when we will meet from 12:30-1:30 pm in the Unity Room in the Gaughan Center.