UAAD Nominations and Representative Interest Inventory - Due April 4th
Hello UAAD Members,
Please visit the following link: by Wednesday April 4, 2018 to complete the UAAD Officer Nomination (fill in your name or nominate a UAAD member) and Committee Member or UAAD Representative Interest Inventory (check all areas in which you would be willing to serve). Please consider volunteering your time and experience to UAAD by nominating yourself for an officer position or by expressing interest in a UAAD or campus-wide committee.
It is that time of the year to solicit nominations for the three (3) UAAD officers listed below. Any UAAD member may nominate themselves or another member for one of the positions below; however, no member's name will be listed on the official ballot without that person's consent. The Nominating Committee will make every effort to insure that there are at least two (2) people nominated for each office. In the event two (2) candidates are not available, a nominee will be allowed to run unopposed.
1. Vice-President/President Elect
2. Secretary – one-year term
3. Treasurer – one-year term
The Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected for a second term but may not serve more than two consecutive terms.