-Change Leadership at UNL and the University of Nebraska
1-3 p.m.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Nebraska Union
UAAD Professional Development Committee presents the Change Leadership at UNL and the University of Nebraska workshop. The change driven by budget reduction at the University is challenging us to think and lead in different ways. This seminar will examine some of the broad campus-wide change we are experiencing and explore ways to best comprehend and lead change.
This seminar will focus on:
–Making sense of change initiatives, even when there is not a lot of detail.
–Effective ways to lead when managing a new or virtual team.
–During change, building a coaching model to support employees.
–Hands-on case studies dealing with change in higher education.
Nancy Myers, director of organizational development for UNL Human Resources, will facilitate this workshop.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/change-leadership-at-unl-and-the-university-of-nebraska-tickets-44799696097?ref=ebtn
-“Search Inside Yourself” opportunity, May 5 and 6 (Not a UAAD event, but a free event that is open to UAAD members. Registration link here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/search-inside-yourself-leadership-institute-practicum-project-tickets-44118647061)