Due to a tie for the position of Secretary, UAAD members are asked to visit https://go.unl.edu/uaadsec1819 and cast their vote by Friday, May 4 at noon. All election results will be shared at the UAAD Picnic on Wednesday, May 23.
Registration ends today for the Assessment+Impact Summit. This is a great opportunity for staff to rethink assessment, data and analytics at UNL. Programs include a keynote from Ashley Finley and roundtable lunch discussions. Continue reading…
“Search Inside Yourself” opportunity, May 5 and 6 (Not a UAAD event, but a free event that is open to UAAD members). Registration link here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/search-inside-yourself-leadership-institute-practicum-project-tickets-44118647061
Plan now to attend the UAAD End of Semester Picnic on Wednesday, May 23 beginning at 11:45 for networking, short business meeting, and announcement of 2018-19 UAAD Officers. Picnic will take place at Varner Hall. Eventbrite RSVP coming soon!