Top Ten Reasons Why Every UNL Student Should Choose Nebraska Law
Are you working with students who are planning to apply to law school? Whether they are Nebraska residents or students from another state who are attending UNL, they owe it to themselves to give Nebraska Law a look. Why? Here are 10 really good reasons:
1. The Feels Like Home Scholarship
Any admitted student who was classified as a non-resident at UNL will automatically be awarded a scholarship which covers the difference between resident and non-resident tuition (approximately $22,000). They’ve gone to school here so we will treat them like one of our own. Students with outstanding credentials may qualify for even more scholarship.
2. Strong Bar Passage Rates
91% of our 2019 grads passed the bar exam on the first try. While we don’t know yet exactly where that places us nationally for this year, traditionally, that number would put us firmly in the top quarter of all U.S. law schools. Nebraska is a UBE state which means that qualifying results can be waived into 36 other states or jurisdictions.
3. A Flexible Curriculum
More than half of the credits needed to graduate are electives so students can chart their own paths through customized curriculum choices. This allows students to truly tailor their law school experiences to their own interests so that they can focus in on the kinds of issues that inspire them.
4. Five Live Clinics
Practical experience during law school is essential. Students can participate in one of five clinics during their third year. They practice law, working on real cases under a professor’s guidance and represent children, civil litigants, entrepreneurs, immigrants, or prosecute cases at a county attorney’s office.
5. Strong Employment Rate
94% of the Class of 2018 was employed in Bar Passage Required and JD Advantage positions by 10 months after graduation – the 6th highest placement rate in the country! Our graduates work in Lincoln, Omaha, and rural Nebraska communities. They also can be found in every state in the U.S. and other spots around the world.
6. Location, Location, Location
The capital city of Lincoln gives our students opportunities to work with non-profits, all levels of government, and law firms of various sizes. Each year, dozens of employers from Nebraska as well as regional employers recruit our students for summer work and permanent positions. As a bonus, our location on East Campus not only has quiet nooks for studying but parking is convenient, too!
7. Low Tuition and Fees
Our tuition and fees total less than $17,000 per year. That’s the lowest resident tuition rate of any top 100 law school in the U.S., not to mention the Big Ten, and is available to all UNL grads. Plus, with our “Feels Like Home Scholarship” even non-residents who are admitted can qualify for our low in-state tuition as long as they graduated from UNL (or UNO or UNK).
8. Warm and Supportive Community
Students at any law school will have their rough moments. What sets Nebraska Law apart is our small, close-knit community that provides academic advice, emotional support, or help with things such as pantry staples or an emergency loan. Faculty are approachable and our administrative staff are particularly helpful to students who are facing challenges.
9. Lowest Median Debt of Law School Graduates
Low debt means more choices when it comes to selecting the ideal job. Graduates who aren’t saddled with burdensome student loan payments have the flexibility to take the job that looks like the best fit rather than feeling like they have to hold out for the highest pay. Our graduates had the lowest median debt load in the country out of over 200 ABA accredited law schools this year, according to Forbes.
10. A New Experience in a Place They Already Love
UNL graduates often want a new and different environment for law school. Some students even think that it is damaging to career prospects to attend the law school affiliated with their undergraduate institution. That is just not true. Law school provides completely different faculty, coursework, and style of learning in a different setting. We guarantee that Nebraska Law will be nothing like the UNL undergraduate experience. UNL graduates can say good-bye to things like large classes, crowded sidewalks, and parking challenges but keep the things they love like student athletic tickets, workout facilities and being a Husker!
If you ever have questions or concerns regarding students with whom you are working to help them prepare for law school, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Nebraska Law admissions office at 402-472-8333 or lawadmissions@unl.edu.
More details at: https://law.unl.edu/