International students wanted for special section of COMM 311

Graphic of a globe and QR code promoting COMM311
Graphic of a globe and QR code promoting COMM311

This Fall, we will offer a special class called COMM 311: Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication, which will meet ACE 2 and ACE 9 requirements. For the 12:30 class, we are looking for 15 international students to join us along with 15 domestic (American) students as a part of a doctoral research study on meaningful engagement among these groups of students on campus. A faculty member from UNL Programs in English as a Second Language and one from Communications will co-teach the course.

We need help getting international students to enroll in the course and are hoping that AAA can help us! International students who would like an enrollment code for the 12:30 section of COMM 311 in the fall should fill out this form:

More details at: