Conference Committee Update

The Conference Planning committee had its first meeting on September 10th. We had more AAA members volunteer for the committee than we could include. Thank you for your interest! We narrowed down the list to a more manageable number for the actual committee, and we will be reaching out in the future for additional volunteers for specific roles, like proposal readers and day-of volunteers. We are currently working to identify a conference theme and speaker. We hope to announce the theme in the near future. If you are attending the National NACADA Conference in October, please keep your eye out for engaging speakers related to the topic of diversity and send their names our way. Tuesday, February 23 and Wednesday, February 24, 2016 have been tentatively reserved at the East Campus Union for the conference. A final date will be selected based on the speaker’s availability. We are excited to begin the process of planning an enlightening and educational conference for AAA and our college partners!