Gaughan Center Ubuntu room 8:30-10 am; Agenda to follow
Academic Advising Association Fri. March 25, 2016
- Ethics Center - April 8th Brown Bag Luncheon - Equality for All? Disparities in Latino Justice
- SCC to offer math admission deficiencies courses Summer 2016
- Biology Advising is returning to Manter Hall - March 28th
- Webinar: "Leveraging Education Abroad to Promote Academic Success" - April 14th
- General AAA Meeting - April 20th
- GMAT Workshop on April 9th
- Explore Center Application Essay Workshops - April 14th, 19th and 20th
- Networking Committee: Bus Training - April 29th
- Law School Dean’s Panel and Browsing Fair - April 13th
- AMCAS Workshop - April 21st
- Careers in International Development - April 18th
- Peer Career Guides Needed
- FYE - Grit, Growth mindset, and High Achieving High School Students Workshop - April 21
- History department course changes
- Application Workshop: Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine (PPVM) - April 23rd
- Summer English ACE 1, 5, and 9 Options Available, Including Online
- NEEDED: First Husker Supplies
- Volunteer for Lincoln Friends of Refugees
- New Student Enrollment Guidebook
- UCARE Still Accepting Applications
- Around the Rec in 29 Days
- Advising in the News