Academic support workshops, created and facilitated by First-Year Experience & Transition Programs, are an interactive, accessible route for all UNL students to improve their academic habits and skills. Workshops are offered 4-5 times per week and are open to student walk-ins with no sign-ups or registrations. Let’s take a look at the content of each workshop to provide a better idea which may be best for your student.
•Note Taking:
o Cornell Note Taking Method
o Using a three ring binder as an efficient way to organize notes
o Three steps of note taking: observe, record, and review
o Benefits of mind mapping, creating a flow chart, and drawing diagrams
o Students practice these skills during the workshop by listening to a TED talk and applying a new skill
o Discuss importance of revisiting notes as a form of studying
•Procrastination and Motivation:
o Our most popular workshop
o Discussion of motivation as the primary way to combat procrastination
o Students identify reasons for procrastination and explore their internal and external motivations for getting things done,
o Exploration of accountability, structuring time, handling being overwhelmed, combating boredom, and ways to create new habits
o Students explore personal roadblocks, and why planning can make a world of difference!
•Reading Strategies:
o Begins with a self-assessment that identifies reading strengths and weaknesses
o Exploration into common myths about what it means to be a good reader
o Discussion over steps of the reading process: phase one (preview, outline, and question), phase two (focus, flag answers), and phase three (recite, review, and review again)
o Strategies for tough readings and the pros/cons of reading electronically
•Study Skills:
o Touches on all academic success topics
o Student explores (via self-assessment) effectiveness of current study habits
o Topics include time management, concentration techniques, note taking, reading, test prep, and writing
o Recognition that we can’t overhaul everything all at once
o Students identify specific skills they would like to work on and strategies to improve upon that skill.
•Test Preparation and Test Taking:
o Unpacking common myths about test preparation and text taking
o Identify differences between test anxiety and test preparation
o Exploration of HOW to pick up hints on the exam (listening to verbal and nonverbal ques, etc.)
o Discuss levels of learning (remembering vs. applying vs. analyzing)
o Strategies to use before a test to make efficient use of time
•Time Management:
o Most recommended FYE&TP workshop
o Backbone for many one-on-one academic coaching sessions
o Start big picture and works toward daily prioritization
o Discussion of both semester and monthly planning
o Students create weekly study schedule and explore different ways to prioritize tasks
o Includes Covey’s four-quadrant time management matrix
o Students complete a 168 Hours worksheet to determine how time is spent during the week
FYE&TP workshops explore why academic success skills matter in and outside the classroom and how these techniques can help alleviate stress. Students leave each workshop with at least one tool in their toolbox to apply immediately.
For additional questions about our workshops or coaching sessions, contact!
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