Fall 2019 Colloquium Series


October: Dr. Roberto Abadie (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Monday, October 7th, 12-1:30pm, Nebraska Union: Chimney Rock
Sick: Addiction, Poverty, and the Everyday Lives of Drug Users

November: Dr. Karen L. Kramer (University of Utah)
Thursday, November 7th: 5-6pm, Burnett Hall: 115
Friday, November 8th, 12-1pm, Burnett Hall: 118
Food, Fertility and Cooperation: The Evolutionary Story of Human Population Growth

November: Dr. Vladamír Dzuro (United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services)
Monday, November 11th, 7-8:30pm, Nebraska Union: Auditorium
The Investigator: Demons of the Balkan War