Art historian Jeff Fontana to present the next Hixson-Lied Visiting Scholar Lecture Oct. 31

George B. Bridgman, Female Figure Study from Bridgman's Life Drawing (Bridgman Publishers, 1924). Fontana has researched the drawings and drawing practice of painter, draftsman and educator George B. Bridgman.
George B. Bridgman, Female Figure Study from Bridgman's Life Drawing (Bridgman Publishers, 1924). Fontana has researched the drawings and drawing practice of painter, draftsman and educator George B. Bridgman.

Art historian Jeff Fontana will present the next Hixson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar Lecture on Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 5:30 p.m. in Richards Hall Rm. 15. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Fontana is Associate Professor and Harry E. Smith Distinguished Teaching Professor in Art History at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, where he is currently Chair of the Art and Art History Department.

His research reflects his interests in issues of patronage and the intersection of artistic theory and practice. An Italian Renaissance scholar by training, he focuses on the career of the painter Federico Barocci (c. 1535-1612), on whose work he has published articles and acted as an exhibition consultant. His interest in the interpretation of the Italian Renaissance in French and American art in the late 19th and early 20th centuries intersects with his study of drawings and drawing practice in his research on the painter, draftsman and educator George B. Bridgman.

He received his bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College, and earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in art history at Boston University.

The Hinson-Lied Visiting Artist & Scholar Lecture Series is underwritten by the Hixson-Lied Endowment, with additional support from other sources. The program brings notable artists, scholars, and designers to the University of Nebraska; enhancing the education of our students, and enriching the culture of the state by providing a way for the public to interact with luminaries in the fields of art, art history, and design.