Tugboat Gallery at 120 N. 14th Street is hosting a 1-night art auction/fundraiser featuring art by several UNL instructors, students and alumni.
The event will feature food, music, and lots of art. The silent auction includes a wall of art with a $25 opening bid, as well as art with market value opening bids.
Participating artists include:
Brian Andrew Coate
Byron Anway
James Bockelman
Bridget Brice
Larry Buller
Daniel Curtis
Chadric Devine
Christian Gauthier
Jake Gillespie
Anthony Hawley
Kat Hedges
Emily Lux
Joey Lynch
Lana Miller
Zora Murff
Craig Roper
Angel Settell
Jar Schepers
Amanda Smith
Robert Stewart
Madison Svengard
Trude Teijink
Erik White
Sandra William
Rana Young
Funds raised will support Tugboat Gallery.