The XXIII Range Beef Cow Symposium will be held in Rapid City, SD December 3-5, 2013 at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. It has been jointly hosted by the Extension Service and Animal Science departments of University of Nebraska, South Dakota State University, Colorado State University, and University of Wyoming since 1969. This year’s program will include such topics as policy and trade issues, pregnant cow nutrition, limit feeding high energy diets, post AI nutrition, managing cow costs, using technology to improve efficiency, understanding how to use DNA tools, optimal range management, and many other topics. Additionally, former 2011 Miss America Teresa Scanlan will share her experiences advocating for agriculture as Miss America and beef spokesrunner Dane Rauschenberg will motivate the audience to “Ignore the Impossible”.
Many companies within the beef industry attend this symposium and set up vendor booths. Their participation keeps the cost minimal for producers and also provides producers with an opportunity to discuss products, equipment, nutrition, genetics, and services available for their cattle business.
The brochure and information for the XXIII Range Beef Cow Symposium can be found at http://go.unl.edu/pksi.
For more information on the symposium call:
Ken Olson 605-394-2236
Julie Walker 605-688-5458