By Karla H. Jenkins, UNL Cow/Calf, Range Management Specialist
The Nebraska Beef Cattle Report is an annual publication describing the research results of experiments conducted by UNL faculty in the beef industry. All reports include an implications section describing how the results of these experiments apply to beef cattle production. This year’s report contains 48 articles summarizing research on cow/calf, growing cattle, resource management, feedlot, and meat products. Within each section topics include nutrition, reproduction, management, and technology. The purpose of this report is to give cattle producers, consultants, and extension personnel a research based decision making tool.
The 2015 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, as well as past reports, can be viewed and downloaded as a complete PDF or as individual articles at http://beef.unl.edu/nebraska-beef-report-2015 . Additionally, producers wanting to read a summary of each study in the report can access the NebGuide (G425) containing those summaries at http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/g425/build/g425.pdf.
Anyone interested in a printed copy or who would like to join the mailing list to receive this yearly report should contact Sheila Hayes at (402) 472-6486 or shays@unl.edu.