The development of the ethanol industry throughout Nebraska in the past ten years has resulted in an abundant supply of distillers grains available for cattle feed. Additionally, a number of recent years recorded high corn prices. This has made distillers grains a very favorable supplement for past Continue reading…
In Nebraska, spring calving is the prevailing cow-calf production system and non-pregnant (“open”) females are often sold in October and November as cull cows. The late fall also tends to be when seasonal cull cow prices are lowest for the year. The spring historically is a more favorable market f Continue reading…
It’s August and fall is just around the corner. Could you use some extra pasture or hay in late September and October? Oats might be your answer.
Oats may be one of our most under-used fall forages. That's right. Plain old dull oats. It grows fast, thrives under cool fall Continue reading…
Beef feedlot employees and supporting industry personnel will get a hands-on learning experience in feedlot horse care and ruminant nutrition at the 2016 Beef Feedlot Schools Aug. 15, 16, 24, and 31 in Curtis, Holdrege, West Point, and Mitchell.
The Nebraska Extension Feedlot School will be offered Continue reading…