By Bethany Johnston, Nebraska Extension Educator
What are pillars to beef productivity? Grazing, reproduction, economics, and cattle health are key to beef profitability and will be covered in half-day workshops across Nebraska by beef specialists and educators.
“Ranching for Profitability” programs will be held from 10 am to 2 pm (local time) and 5 pm to 9 pm (local time). Locations include O’Neill, Ainsworth on Jan. 17; Valentine, Brewster on Jan. 18; Gordon, Kimball on Jan. 19; Burwell, Broken Bow on Jan. 24; Lexington, and Brady on Jan. 25. Contact the local Extension Office one week prior for a meal count. Please note: speakers and topics may vary by location- contact the local extension office for a list of topics and speakers.
Nebraska Extension beef specialist, Rick Funston, will discuss “Estrous Synchronization and Considerations”. Dennis Bauer, extension educator, and Jerry Volesky, Range & Forage specialist, will cover grazing. Meadow renovation, grazing irrigated annuals as part of a year-long grazing plan, and annual forages for fall and winter grazing will be reviewed. Looking into the economics of a beef operation, Aaron Berger, extension educator, will examine “Points of Leverage on the Ranch to Improve Profit”. Cattle health is greatly influenced by fly populations, according to Dave Boxler, livestock entomologist educator, who will cover “Pasture Fly Control on Cattle”.
Pre-registration required for a meal count (one week prior). All times are local.
*January 17 - O’Neill (Holt County Courthouse Annex 10 am–2 pm), 402-336-2760;
*January 17 - Ainsworth (Zion Lutheran Church 4-10 pm), 402-387-2213;
*January 18 – Valentine (Peppermill Restaurant 10 am–2 pm) 402-376-1850;
*January 18 - Brewster (Uncle Bucks 5 pm–9 pm) 308-645-2267;
*January 19 – Gordon (Gordon City Hall 10 am–2 pm) 308-327-2312;
*January 19 - Kimball (4-H Building 5 pm–9 pm) 308-235-3122;
*January 24 – Burwell (Burwell Legion Club 10 am–2 pm) 308-346-4200;
*January 24 - Broken Bow (Country Club 5 pm–9 pm) 308-872-6831;
*January 25 – Lexington (Dawson County Extension Office 10 am–2 pm), 308-324-5501;
*January 25 - Brady (Brady Community Center 5 pm–9 pm) 308-532-2683;
Please call the office one week prior if you plan to attend. Cost is $15/person. Brought to you by Nebraska Extension, and local sponsors.