New 2015-2016 Courses in Biosystems Research

Life Sciences Research: (LIFE 891A) Big Questions
Big questions in current research are being addressed increasingly by acquisition and analysis of large experimental datasets. In this course, we will examine a specific set of questions in depth with an emphasis on critically understanding the underlying quantitative approaches, and developing fluency in a broad array of complex biological systems. Examples of big questions may include: Feeding the world: can water use be optimized with drought tolerant crops? How does the gut microbiome impact obesity and disease susceptibility? Cancer: why don’t we have a cure? What are we doing to the soil (or water): impact of industry on environment? Can computational approaches advance the pace of life sciences research?

Contact Dr. Melanie Simpson,

Life Sciences Research (LIFE 891-offered 2016) Integrating Quantitative and Computational Biology into Life Sciences Research
The emphasis of this practical course is on quantitative scientific skills in the context of systems-level research: Understand essential quantitative methods applicable to the life sciences. Appreciate a broad historical and scientific context for common and useful computational approaches to data. Critically read and assess primary literature, including quantitative or computational approaches and results. Propose a solution to a life science question and implement using computational and/or statistical approaches.

Contact Dr. Jennifer Clarke,

Professional Development (891B)
Contact Dr. James Schnabble

Complex Biosystems Seminar (891C)
Thursdays 4-5pm E28 Beadle
Contact Der. Tomas Helikar