The Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) is a growing network of partnerships investing in data and data sciences to address Big Data challenges for society and science.
Mobilizing Partnerships for Data Innovation is a two-day event to bring academic, industry and government agencies together to discuss the following issues:
Academic-Industry-Government Partnerships for Big Data Challenges, Academic – Industry Collaboration and Data Access Arrangements, Educating Data-savvy Workforce across Disciplinary Boundaries, Sensor Technologies and the Big Data Frontier, Data Science for Public Health: Initiatives and Opportunities in the Midwest and Community Engagement: Growing the MBDH with Regional, National, and International Organizations. The event will be streamed live via You Tube:
October 10:
October 11:
October 12:
For more information visit:
Bridging Big Data (BBD) 2016 Workshop will address innovations for bridge health.
Bridges across the U.S. continue to deteriorate at an alarming rate and the American Society of Civil Engineers estimate a cost of over $76 billion to improve the country’s functionally obsolete or structurally deficient bridges. This indicates a significant demand for innovative bridge health monitoring solutions that can strategically guide management, maintenance and replacement programs without risking public safety. Unfortunately, the need to improve how our bridges are managed and repaired or replaced faces similar issues and demands as the rest of the U.S. transportation network: continuously shrinking resources and governing bodies who do not have the necessary insights from bridge health data to find a workable solution.
For more information visit: