Metagenomics Mondays Seminar Series

Metagenomics Mondays
Metagenomics Mondays

Metagenomics and microbiome studies, including 16S and ITS amplicon sequencing, total community DNA/RNA sequencing, proteomics, or any other approach to understanding organismal communities based on the information found in the collective metagenome.

Microbial communities have a strong impact on all aspects of life on earth, including agriculture, human and animal health, and in all ecosystems. At ISU and beyond, challenges and opportunities in microbiome research are being addressed using novel approaches from diverse disciplines. Researchers working in this area are in animal science, biosystems engineering, plant pathology, agronomy, veterinary medicine, and others. In this seminar series, we will host speakers from veterinary sciences, plant sciences, microbiology, statistics, data science, engineering and more.

July 9...Stephen Esser-Schmitz, Contribution of beef cattle gastrointestinal tract microbiota to tolerance to fescue toxicosis

July 16...Iddo Friedberg, Vet Micro and Preventive Medicine, Why your microbiome analysis is wrong

July 23/30 ... TBD

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The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in conjunction with Iowa State University and the National Science Foundation, will continue a fall webinar series September 10 through October 29, 2018... more information will be posted on the UNL Big Data website ...

Faculty and postdocs are encouraged to present.
For the summer series contact Carolyn Lawrence-Dill at
For the fall series contact Dr. Jennifer Clarke at

Supported by the ISU Office of the Vice President for Research and the Midwest Big Data Hub.

More information here: