Thomas Riley, president and founder of the Flatwater Group, has been appointed Director of the State’s Department of Natural Resources by Governor Pete Ricketts. Thomas is currently pursuing his Ph.D. within BSE. Learn more about Thomas and his achievement here.
Malayna Wingert was featured in the Nebraska Virtual Summer Research Symposium 2020 showcase of undergraduate research and creative activity. Malayna was featured taking water samples from Holmes Lake. Students featured are part of the Nebraska Summer Research Program, UCARE, and McNair Scholars Program. View Malayna's and others work here.
Lisbeth Vallecilla Yepez earned the John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship from ASABE. The John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship is dedicated to expanding the diversity of our Society. It was designed to encourage underrepresented minority PhD student participation in ASABE and aid minorities pursuing doctorate degrees in agricultural and biological engineering.
Alumni Hongwei Xin earned the Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement from ASABE. The Lalit and Aruna Verma Award for Excellence in Global Engagement recognizes outstanding contributions made towards global advancement and recognition of the profession of agricultural and biological engineering, and excellence in global engagement and international education, outreach, and/or research.