IANR News recently included Yufeng Ge as a faculty spotlight.
The recent Nebraska Today article mentioned Jenny Keshwani, Jeyam Subbiah, and Ashu Guru for their development of a video game that teaches real-world farming to middle and high school students. "IN OTHER NEWS: New video game teaches farming"
Jeyam Subbiah, Jenny Keshwani, and other professors at UNL were recently mentioned in The Daily Nebraskan for their developing video game "AgPocalypse: 2050." "UNL professor develops video game to cultivate agricultural sustainability"
The "Internet of Underground Things in Precision Agriculture: Architecture and Technology Aspect" research paper collaboration by Suat Irmak and other professors received an achievement by Nebraska Today in "Achievements | Honors, awards, publications for March 1."
Forrest Kievit along with other professors received kudos from the Office of Research and Economic Development in the Awards, Honors, and Recognitions section of "Top Awards from Public Sponsors, January 2019."
Daran Rudnick was recently mentioned in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources' "UNL-TAPS to Kick Off 2019 Competition Featuring Subsurface Drip Irrigation" article for his insight into subsurface drip irrigation.