Annual Reviews


It’s that time of year again. Our annual reviews need to be completed by March 13th. The main difference to the form this year is that it provides an opportunity for the supervisee to assess their own performance using the same scale the supervisor will use. This form still includes the open-ended self-report potion.

Please work with your supervisor to develop the responsibilities section if you do not have a clear job description for your position. The supervisors will submit their reviews to Alisha who will submit them to Eve and Kathy and then they will go to the college dean’s office.

Similar to last year, we are also including the option for supervisees to provide feedback about their supervisor(s). Please follow the link below to complete that piece of the evaluation process. Please complete this feedback by February 3rd to ensure adequate time for Eve to compile the information and provide it as feedback to supervisors. As a reminder, this feedback is confidential and feedback is provided collectively without indication of individual responses.