What is something you’ve seen/done/heard about recently that made you smile?
Several friends recommended the Easter service from the National Cathedral. It was a wonderful service but their virtual choir and orchestra really made me smile … and say “Wow!”
https://episcopalchurch.org/virtual-choir -Sally Bucholz
One of the things that I heard today was the excitement in my daughter’s voice when she found out she can get a puppy for her birthday. She has been waiting for a long time. My wife finally cracked. -Bob Hock
I recently decorated a flower pot on my front porch with quarantine-themed items (e.g., empty Clorox wipes, Lysol can, empty Tequila bottle) and some flowers. From my view at my home-office desk, I can see people walking by our house and a few have smiled or laughed when they saw the display. That makes me smile to know that I’ve made my neighbors smile! I also watched a squirrel in my backyard go so far out on a limb that I was sure he was going to fall, but he scurried right back to the tree trunk. Squirrels always make me smile. -Eve Brank