Jeff Chambers
Project Director
Projects Involved in at CCFL:
• Community Services Division
• Homeless Coordinated Entry
• Homeless Management Information System
• Ending Homelessness Planning and Development
• Iowa Parent Partner Evaluation
• Nebraska Homeless Assistance Project - HMIS
• Midwest Child Welfare Implementation Center
What Jeff enjoys most about his job at CCFL:
We come to our work every day knowing that we are assisting our state and communities create, build, and improve systems and programs that directly help those most in need of a hand up to a better life.
Learn more about Jeff:
I also farm and raise Dexter cattle. Our cattle seed-stock operation has genetics on two hemispheres, three continents, and five countries.
Stephanie Weddington
Project Evaluator
Projects Involved in at CCFL:
Program Evaluation of Nebraska’s Title IV-E Child Welfare Demonstration Project
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development
What Stephanie enjoys most about her job at CCFL:
I enjoy the diversity of projects I'm able to work on and the endless opportunities to hone new skills. I also greatly appreciate my wonderful colleagues I get to work with and learn from every day.
Learn more about Stephanie:
Lately, I've been listening to lots of audiobooks on the Libby app (where you can check out audio and e-books from your local library for free) while commuting or doing chores around the house. I'd recommend listening to one of Laura Vanderkam's books or checking out her podcast, Before Breakfast. I've found her practical time management and productivity tips to be helpful and inspiring.
Angie Graham
Field Training Specialist
Projects Involved in at CCFL:
Training for the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Protection and Safety Workforce
What Angie enjoys most about her job at CCFL:
I enjoy that I get to work with trainees in the field with families and watch the trainee create their own style of engagement with a family. And when we can help a family become a little better than when we found them is a win!
Learn more about Angie:
If I had a superpower, it would be to fly, so I could explore and see all the places I would love to travel too. And the funny thing is I'm scared of heights, so there's that!
Jessica Cook
Web Project Coordinator
Projects Involved in at CCFL:
Nebraska Resource and Referral System
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development
Early Childhood Community Link
eLifespan Respite
Individual Family Service Plans
Staying on Track as Your Child Grows and Learns
Training for the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Protection and Safety Workforce
Answers4Families Projects
What Jessie enjoys most about her job at CCFL:
CCFL offers a wide variety of opportunities. Each project presents unique challenges. Regularly, I get to work on new projects, where I apply the experience from previous projects AND continue to learn more in a new environment. No two projects are the same, so boredom is not a word I comprehend!
Learn more about Jessie:
I love (tent) camping. Camping provides me the perfect opportunity to clear my mind from everyday chatter. It also helps me notice and appreciate the small things – like the sound of the tent being unzipped in the morning, the crackle of the campfire, the feel of fresh air on my face, the sting of mosquitoes eating me alive (lol).
Mark Ells
Research Assistant Professor
Projects Involved in at CCFL:
Midwest Child Welfare Implementation Center
Training for the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), Protection and Safety Workforce
Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development
What Mark enjoys most about his job at CCFL:
The camaraderie. I do love training, but if we didn't have the supportive, encouraging, multi-talented group of people we have, it wouldn't be near as rewarding.
Learn more about Mark:
I love things that go boom or whoosh (guns, fireworks, model rockets). I like the opera, most music genres (never understood rap), and eating a fine meal. I have flown in a hot air balloon, in a two-seater ultralight, para-glided in tandem with my wife, soared in a glider, and solo parachuted. But I HATE being on a ladder four feet off the ground . . . I guess I'd choose flying as my super-power.