What is something new you are learning (or have recently learned), and why is it important or useful to you?
"Something new I am learning is how to meditate every day. Meditation has been very useful for me during this time of uncertainty in reducing my stress and anxieties, and it only takes a couple minutes each morning!" -Terra Garay
"It’s not ‘new’ but I’m getting back to playing the piano! Took a lot of years off for many different reasons but am really enjoying relearning how to play again. It’s really its own kind of therapy." -Angela Gebhardt
"I am trying to learn (re-learn from 4 years in high school) French. Possible conference next summer in France. Anyway, it’s supposed to be good for the aging brain, and, at my age, everything is new, again." -Barb Sturgis
"Believe it or not… I’m relearning how to rollerblade. My partner and I decided that we are old enough to embrace the dorkiness of it and are leaning into it. I used to ‘blade in high school (it was the 90s), and I loved it. The reason it’s important: I’m a fat dude that needs to get some more cardio in! " -Toby Burnham