Word on the Street

Christmas Decorating
Christmas Decorating

Christmas decorating: before or after Thanksgiving?

"I usually do it the day after Thanksgiving while everyone else is doing Black Friday shopping, which you could not pay me to do. I generally do at least four trees, one large and several midsize, but as our daughter has gotten older and less interested in all the excitement and anticipation (and I get more tired), I’ve started to cut back a bit. This year I got ahead of it by two weeks, which it seems many others have done as well. I’ve seen lots of trees in windows since early November! It’s odd to see Halloween, fall, and Christmas decorations all at the same time (outside of a craft store)…rotting pumpkins and gourds, fall foliage, jack-o-lantern and turkey decorations, icicle lights, Santas, and more!" -Megan P.

"My Kansas family has a tradition of setting the Christmas tree up the evening of Thanksgiving at my mom’s. So my mom gets to have her grandbabies decorate her tree with her. Then when I arrive home to Nebraska on Sunday after Thanksgiving, my husband and girls set up our Christmas tree and all the decorations at our house. My husband doesn’t “allow” us to “skip” Thanksgiving haha. So putting any decorations up BEFORE Thanksgiving is a crime in our house. So we always do it AFTER Thanksgiving. I personally, especially this year am already listening to Christmas music as of 2 weeks ago… and already want to decorate now (Nov. 23rd). I’m sure I'll survive and make it until Sunday. --Halea P.

After Thanksgiving! -Michelle P.