Jennifer Robbennolt, Associate Dean for Research at the University of Illinois-College of Law, earned the inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award for the Law-Psychology Program at UNL. Jen was a graduate research assistant at CCFL when she was a student in the Law-Psychology program. Former CCFL director, Brian Wilcox, was her dissertation advisor. Jen is the co-author of several books including The Psychology of Tort Law; Psychology for Lawyers: Understanding the Human Factors in Negotiation, Litigation, and Decision Making; a textbook on Empirical Methods in Law (with Illinois colleagues Robert M. Lawless and Thomas S. Ulen); and the casebook Dispute Resolution and Lawyers. She is well-known for her scholarship that integrates empirical psychological methods and the law.
Center on Children, Families, and the Law Mon. Oct. 31, 2016
- Happy Halloween
- Random Selection: Allison Jones
- Project Update: Lancaster County Truancy Diversion Program (TDP)
- CCFL Alum Earns Award
- 1116 Group New Worker Training Start Date Change
- Event: Psych Meds Mock Training
- Event Reminder: NUFLEX Benefits Enrollment