Center on Children, Families, and the Law

New UNL-CCFL Logos

New LogoUNL has recently redesigned the Nebraska N. This new Nebraska N replaces icons used by academic departments, Nebraska Athletics and the Nebraska Alumni Association. Continue reading…


Project Update: LPS Trauma Training

LPS Trauma TrainingWhat's going on?! This week, we will learn about the LPS Trauma Training project. Thank you, Cheryl Turner, for answering the following questions about your project:
What is the LPS Trauma Training project? (Please describe what the project does or what your job assignment is.) Continue reading…


Random Selection: Cassie Maher

Cassie MaherName: Cassie Maher

Where do you hail from?
I was born and lived most of my life in Lincoln, Nebraska, except for five years I lived in Rolla, Missouri, as a child (when my parents ran a mom-and-pop restaurant). Continue reading…


Holiday Party

giftMark your calendars for the annual holiday party on Friday, December 16th, from 11:30 to 1:30.


Lynn Ayers' 20th Anniversary Open House

Open HouseYou are invited to Lynn Ayers' 20th Anniversary Open House!

December 2, 2016 from 3:00-6:00pm
Gary Lacey Training Center
5025 Garland St.
Lincoln, NE 68504
Dessert reception with brief program at 4:30pm

"It's not where you go, it's who you meet along the way."-Wizard of Oz


College of Arts & Sciences-Holiday Celebration

HPThe Annual Holiday Celebration for the College of Arts & Sciences will be Tuesday, December 6 at 4pm in the Colonial Room A at the Nebraska Union. There will be food and beverages, door prizes, and the Annual Applause Award presentation.

Originally published November 28, 2016 - Submit an Item