April 19, 2017 at the Kearney Younes Convention Center
A conference for professionals that work with children and families in their homes, such as: home visitors, parent coaches, visiting nurses or home health care workers, service coordinators, early childhood or classroom teachers, migrant coordinators, Head Start or Early Head Start teachers, Family Support workers, early childhood mental health providers...anyone invested in helping all children and families succeed.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! (January 23-March 31, 2017)
$40 General Admission Ticket
Includes resource bag, lunch, and snacks
$50 Late Registration (April 1-19, 2017)
Walk-ins welcome as room allows
Please call 402-471-1938 for more information.
This all-day event will recharge and rejuvenate you to build resiliency-for yourself and the families you serve.