Submit Photos and Videos


At our April 28th retreat, we will be showing a video highlighting the people and work that make up CCFL. Like the Random Selection in the newsletter, this will be an opportunity to share something about yourself. We will then use this video throughout the following year for new employees.

Please record yourself or have someone else record you answering all or any of the following questions:
--How many years have you worked at CCFL?
--In three words, what do you enjoy most about working at CCFL?
--Where were you/what were you doing in 1987 when CCFL was founded?
--In five words or less, what do you do at CCFL?

Please also send any still photos you have from your time at CCFL.

Project Directors: Please also make a video about your project. Like the Project Updates in the newsletter, this will be an opportunity to share about the work you do.
--Record a 3- to 5-minute explanation of your project and the importance of your work.
--Submit current and/or historical pictures of your team and/or the work you are doing.

Email your videos and pictures to by Friday, April 7th.

If you would like help recording your video and want to schedule a time for someone to help you, please contact Roger Templin